What is CBT?
CBT is an umbrella term for various therapies that are goal-oriented, collaborative, short-term, and skills focused. Your therapist will first meet with you for an initial intake appointment to discuss your needs. They will then give you feedback and work collaboratively with you to discuss a therapy plan to help you meet your goals. In this type of therapy you are actively involved in your recovery. CBT teaches skills that can be useful throughout life. Therapy includes in-session and between-session practice of skills.
CBT therapies include: Exposure Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) , Habit-reversal training (HRT), Mindfulness-based practices, Trauma Processing Therapies, and Motivational Interviewing (MI) among others. Learn more about some of these therapies below.